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Big Bong Burger Bars

first up web stuff, some links open as newww windows.

Big Bong Cyber Space best viewwwed at 800x600 or HIGHER on Internet Exploder, I mean explorer, with font size set at medium.              

BUDS 2 GO ;O)--~

Big Bong Burger Bars are primarily designed to be a mechanism for the responsible re-integration of Cannabis back into society, which is one of the reasons why you must be at least 18 years of age to enter either the Virtual Reality or Physical Reality of a Big Bong Burger Bar.

Each Big Bong Burger Bar will feature a Big Bong Air Conditioning Chamber that acts as both an emblem and as a way of ensuring that each Big Bong Burger Bar has the highest quality atmosphere possible - none of the "vapor" will be able to escape to the world outside.

Each Big Bong Burger Bar will be hard wired to the Internet and have it's own unique home page, so that no matter which Big Bong Burger Bar you happen to be at in reality, you'll be able to mingle globally.

Each Big Bong Burger Bar will be constructed in complete accordance with each individual local building authority in accordance with ALL safety and health requirements made by all relevant local authorities and each Big Bong Burger Bar will conform to all of the existing laws.

Each Big Bong Burger Bar will act as Cannabis Information Education Depots for local Cannabis Law Reform Activists and each Big Bong Burger Bar will be stocked with the entire range of cannabis based products available - fabric, paper etc and let's not forget the most important element of all; the All Natural 100%  Organic Big Bong HEMP Seed Burger ;O)--~



If you are wondering about the constant repetition of key words like Big Bong Burger Bar Cannabis Catering Concept on this page, here's the reason, we need to mention key words like Big Bong Burger Bar Cannabis Catering Concept as often as possible- Big Bong Burger Bar Cannabis Catering Concept- through out the Big Bong Burger Bar Cannabis Catering Concept web zone, indeed the more times the key words Big Bong Burger Bar Cannabis Catering Concept appears with-in the Big Bong Burger Bar Cannabis Catering Concept web pages, the higher the Big Bong Burger Bar Cannabis Catering Concept web zone will score according to some search engine ranking algorithms, thus, the constant repetition of key words like Big Bong Burger Bar Cannabis Catering Concept, is not breaking the rules- Big Bong Burger Bar Cannabis Catering Concept -just wwworking them as hard as possible, for more web design stuff click here ;O)--~

Šopyright rebelart Y2K.