Peace Cookies or BBBBiscuits come in 2 sizes - BIG and F*#%ing Huge Hand Made and Home Baked in Nimbin
2 more-ish flavours, Cinnamon and Choc Chip.
The current sales price of PC BBBBiscuits is; BIG Size = $4:20 F*#%ing Huge = $8:40 BBBBoth are guaranteed to be at least 4 & 20% cheaper and 4 & 20% bigger than any other cannabis cookie for sale in the streets of Nimbin. The effects of cannabis come on slowly and then are noticeable
for three to six hours depending on the users metabolism. When using cannabis cookies for
the first time, we recommend a self experimentation process whereby you eat half a BIG
Biscuit (or 1/8th of a F*#%ing Huge BBBBiscuit) and then wait about 1 hour to gauge the
effects. If you feel you want more after that time, eat some more. IMPORTANT NOTE: If change makes you anxious, withdrawn or insecure, it is especially important to take care with your cannabis intake. Have a friend you can trust with you when you first try cannabis cookies. Deep breathing and a drink of orange juice or other vitamin C enriched drink should relieve any symptoms of panic which might arise. |